Sunday Worship
(10:00 AM LIVE in-person & Online)
Welcome to Mechanicsville UMC
We are a family centered church called to KNOW, SHOW, and GROW. We offer one service each week blending both a traditional and contemporary style of worship. Our hope is to be a space where all generations are invited to come and WORSHIP God.
We offer Kid’s Crew (K-5) and Nursery during service.
For more information about our Kid’s Crew and Nursery, please use this link.
Questions First Time Visitor Might Have?
Every Sunday you will experience the natural elements of worship: Praise and the Word of God. What makes us unique however is that we approach each Sunday blending both traditional and contemporary styles of worship because we believe that our Worship to God should be inter-generational.
Can I bring my children?

All children are welcome, wiggles and all! For children under the 5th grade, Please feel free to take advantage of the small nursery in the back of the sanctuary, the children’s nursery for infants to 4 years old, and the children’s ministry (known as Kids Crew) for kindergarten through 5th grade children. For more information about our children’s ministry, please click on this link: Kid’s Crew
All children who classify as youth (6th grade and up) worship altogether. However, there is a youth ministry that dedicates to building a youth-centered community which meets on Sundays and Wednesday. For more information about our youth ministry, please click on this link: Youth Ministry


Will I Be Expected to Give a Donation?

We do not expect you to give. As a first-time visitor, you are always welcome to support the work of Mechanicsville UMC, but until you decide to make us your church home, we are happy to minister to you through our worship and programs. If you do have more questions about giving, please click on this link: Giving
What if I haven’t been to church often or have never been at all?
We believe that church is meant for all people because the Good News of Jesus Christ is for all people. MUMC believes then that we should welcome everyone with warm hearts. In your first-time visit, we encourage you to fill out a connection card. We’d loved to connect with you even if it is as simple as praying for you. 
Are you affiliated with any denomination?
Yes, we are affiliated with the United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church is an 11-million strong global church that opens hearts, opens doors, and open minds through active engagement with our world. John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living and putting faith and love into action. For more information about our church and what we believe, please click this link: Who We Are.
How do I become a member of Mechanicsville UMC?

We believe that the Church is a living, breathing, serving, celebrating Body of Christ! So membership in the church means living in a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and with His family, the Church. If you have questions or would like more information about becoming a member, please contact our church office: or 804-746-5118